The Adventure Begins is the first 2015 Thomas & Friends special running for approximately forty-five minutes and is an adaptation of the first two books of The Railway Series, which were previously adapted for the first series in 1984. It was made to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the franchise.
“I want to go to places and do things, I want to..."
"...See the world!”
―Thomas and the other engines.
This bracelet engraved with motivational quote 'And so the adventure begins'. Perfect gift for graduation, new journey, new adventure, retirement, inspirational gift.
- Material: Made of 316L stainless steel, stronger and more durable, will never fade, tarnish, corrode, stain, or cause allergic responses. Nickel free, 100% in harmony with the wrist.
- Measurements: Diameter 2.5" Adjustable openings designed to fit most wrists.
- The cuff bracelet is made of 316L stainless steel, stronger and more durable, will never fade, tarnish, corrode, stain, or cause allergic responses. Nickel free, 100% in harmony with the wrist.
- Measurements: Diameter 2.5" W/0.24", L/6.2". Adjustable openings designed to fit most wrists.